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#FloralFriday #FlowerFriday


Flowers blooming in your garden? Or maybe in your wardrobe? Share some of the beauty and tag it #flowerfriday.


Floral Friday and Flower Friday

A great way to boost the number of followers to your social media accounts is to get into the habit of using hashtags related to a specific day of the week. Take Friday, for example. If you have a flower related image and it happens to be Friday, it makes sense to include both the #floralfriday and #flowerfriday hashtags with the post. Using day specific hashtags is a wonderful way to increase the chances of people most interested in that topic finding your accounts.

What is the Floral Friday Hashtag?

For those who have created photos or content about flowers, there is a specific day of the week when it's best to post these. Friday has become the designated day to post floral and flower content under the hashtags #floralfriday and/or #flowerfriday. While it's fine to post flower related material on other days of the week, Friday is a specific day when those searching for flora content will be looking.

As you might imagine, when people are outside they tend to take photos of the beautiful flowers they see. In fact, the sheer number of #flower hashtags can make it difficult to search through them all. #FloralFriday and #FlowerFriday are a simple solution to this. These hashtags narrow down the number of these types of posts, and since the hashtag is used mainly by those who are interested in flowers and floral arrangements, these two hashtags are focused on those who enjoy this content. The actual content that can go under these hashtags is actually quite broad. It could be a flower seen on a morning hike, a wedding bouquet or a field of flowers off the side of the road. Anything that is related to flowers can be posted on Friday and use these two hashtags.

Fantastic Reasons to Participate in Flower Friday

Using days of the week in combination with specific topics is something that makes sense to add to any social media effort. There are a lot of different Friday Hashtags to choose from when doing this. For any that involve flowers, it's to your benefit to use both Floral Friday and Flower Friday (both these hashtags are used interchangeably making it even better to use both). Using hashtags is the primary way users find the information they are interested in on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags are also growing in popularity as a way to find content on Youtube, Snapchat, Facebook, and Pinterest. Taking the time to add #FlowerFriday and #FloralFriday to your posts will make it much easier for users to find your content.

There are a lot of people love flowers and you can leverage this to benefit your social media accounts. By posting engaging flower-related content on Fridays each week, you have the potential to hook people into looking forward to your Friday posts. This is how you turn a random person who happens across your account into a dedicated follower. If you are able to attract a number of these dedicated followers, you can turn them into a community. By using hashtags that reflect the types of posts you make, you have the opportunity to greatly grow your social media accounts.


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